showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Vampire Killer  Konami1986Very similar to [game=#7647]Castlevania[/game] but the gameplay is different and has gameplay elements not present in the NES version.***
[52]***The granddaddy of the series, before it was even called 'Castlevania'. Fans of the NES original will instantly see the level similarities, although the game has a 'find a key to go to the next area' sort of style.
King's Valley 2: The Seal of El Giza  Konami1988 labelimageminimize
King's Valley 2: Edit Contest Version Konami1989This version of Ouke no Tani - El Giza no Fuuin is the result of a contest set up by 4 Japanese MSX-Magazines (in cooperation with Konami?) to let readers make their own stages. The 5 best stages per magazine were put into a special cartridge.***The best puzzle game for MSX.
Simply superb. The graphics are amazing and the musics are very cool. A must have.